AIWA held its first member conference in Islamabad and announced its mission, vision, and giving back to the community. The main focus of this event was to announce and listen to the Air Conditioner Engineer and technician’s problems and ignorance by the Big corporate Air Conditpng Companies.
The event started with Greetings and an introduction of Chief Guest Ajmal Balch who is the President of (All Pakistan Tajir Ithad). The stage was held by Press Secretary Hafiz Irtaza Ul Haq and Choudhary Afzal (E 11 Zone President).
After Introduction AIWA Mission, Vision & Journey was Announced by General Secertoy Mian Maqsood Ali. He Warmly thanked all the members and announced the free medical hospital for the AIWA member. In conclusion, this conference was a great success for AIWA as they look to better serve their community.
This press release announces that AIWA(Air Conditioner Welfare Association) held its first member conference in Islamabad. This event’s main focus was to announce and listen to the Air Conditioner Engineer and technician problems faced by big companies. The event also included a speech from President Haq Nawaz Awan about AIWA’s mission, vision, and journey. In conclusion, this conference was a great success for AIWA as they look to better serve their community. Thank you for attending!.