
Pakistan’s meat exports records 100% growth in a decade

Meat’s export in Pakistan alongside the meat arrangements are extending in different nations of the world as far as its volume just as the worth. It is recorded with an expansion of more than 100% in a time of ten years.

The annual meat exports of the country have been doubled over the past decade from about $152.4 million in the FY11 to about $304.2 million in the FY20.


The meat trade of Pakistan is typical to the Gulf nations; in any case, an increment in the export to the Maldives as well as Hong Kong and different nations has additionally been recorded. Meat like hamburgers, sheep, chicken, and so on everything is remembered for the export list of meat.

The yearly meat export of the nation has been multiplied over the previous decade from 152.4 million dollars in the FY11 to almost 304.2 million dollars in the FY20.

As per the quarterly SBP’s report (State Bank of Pakistan’s report, the meat’s export alongside the meat arrangements have developed by an increment of 3.6% to 161.5 million dollars from almost 155.8 million dollars in FY20.  


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